Free Open Classes

Learn and practice how to develop ROS-based robots with a ROS expert in a real time event every single week. LIVE Every Tuesday @6PM CEST.

ROS Winter Camp - Dubai (Feb 2024)

Open Class: ROS  Winter Camp - Dubai (Feb 2024)

What are Quaternions in Robotics

Open Class: What are Quaternions in Robotics

How to Measure Robot Movement

Open Class: How to Measure Robot Movement

Coordinate Transformations in Robotics

Open Class: Coordinate Transformations in Robotics

How Robots Move

Open Class: How Robots Move

How Robots Perceive the World

Open Class: How Robots Perceive the World

Open-RMF Introduction

Open Class: Open-RMF Introduction

ROS Developers Assemble: Online Meetup

Open Class: ROS Developers Assemble: Online Meetup

AI Foundations for Robotics

Open Class: AI Foundations for Robotics

Docker for ROS 2

Open Class: Docker for ROS 2

3D Object Detection and Navigation with Darknet & YOLO and LIMO Robot

Open Class: 3D Object Detection and Navigation with Darknet & YOLO and LIMO Robot

How to create Web Dashboards for ROS 2

Open Class: How to create Web Dashboards for ROS 2

Custom Controller Integration with Nav2

Open Class: Custom Controller Integration with Nav2

Zenoh ROS 2 RMW: A New Middleware Implementation

Open Class: Zenoh ROS 2 RMW: A New Middleware Implementation

Human Pose Estimation with AI in ROS 2

Open Class: Human Pose Estimation with AI in ROS 2

Warehouse Automation with ROS 2

Open Class: Warehouse Automation with ROS 2

Object Detection with OpenCV for ROS 2

Open Class: Object Detection with OpenCV for ROS 2

Line Following with OpenCV for ROS 2

Open Class: Line Following with OpenCV for ROS 2

DDS for Robotics certificate training (2DDS2024)

Open Class: DDS for Robotics certificate training (2DDS2024)

Perception with AprilTags for ROS2

Open Class: Perception with AprilTags for ROS2

Laser-based Odometry for ROS2 with BotBox

Open Class: Laser-based Odometry for ROS2 with BotBox

DDS Monitoring for ROS2

Open Class: DDS Monitoring for ROS2

Understand Ackermann Kinematics in ROS2 with LIMO Robot

Open Class: Understand Ackermann Kinematics in ROS2 with LIMO Robot

Monitor Your Robots from the Web with Foxglove

Open Class: Monitor Your Robots from the Web with Foxglove

Learn Holonomic Kinematics with ROSbot XL

Open Class: Learn Holonomic Kinematics with ROSbot XL

From Sketch to Simulation

Open Class: From Sketch to Simulation

DDS for Robotics certificate training (DDS2024)

Open Class: DDS for Robotics certificate training (DDS2024)

Learn ROS2 with a LIMO Robot

Open Class: Learn ROS2 with a LIMO Robot

DevOps for Robotics Certificate Training (DevOps2024)

Open Class: DevOps for Robotics Certificate Training (DevOps2024)

Waypoint Navigation with a Waiter Robot

Open Class: Waypoint Navigation with a Waiter Robot

Mastering Robot Fleet Management with Open-RMF Training (2FM2024)

Open Class: Mastering Robot Fleet Management with Open-RMF Training (2FM2024)

Real Robotics Cases #1: ROS1-ROS2 Migration of OnRobot Gripper using Docker

Open Class: Real Robotics Cases #1: ROS1-ROS2 Migration of OnRobot Gripper using Docker

Vision Language Models for Robotics

Open Class: Vision Language Models for Robotics

Python ROS2: Mastering Callbacks Tutorial

Open Class: Python ROS2: Mastering Callbacks Tutorial

ROS2 Industrial Training Fraunhofer IPA

Open Class: ROS2 Industrial Training Fraunhofer IPA

Gazebo Sim with ROS2

Open Class: Gazebo Sim with ROS2

ROS2 with Rust

Open Class: ROS2 with Rust

Cartesian Planning with MoveIt2

Open Class: Cartesian Planning with MoveIt2

Get ROS2 Industrial Ready hands-on training (1RI2024)

Open Class: Get ROS2 Industrial Ready hands-on training (1RI2024)

Using ChatGPT to Understand 3rd-party ROS Code Faster

Open Class: Using ChatGPT to Understand 3rd-party ROS Code Faster

Debug ROS Errors Faster with ChatGPT

Open Class: Debug ROS Errors Faster with ChatGPT

Get ROS2 Industrial Ready hands-on training (2RI2023)

Open Class: Get ROS2 Industrial Ready hands-on training (2RI2023)

Program ROS robots faster with ChatGPT

Open Class: Program ROS robots faster with ChatGPT

Mastering ROS2 Navigation Training (NAV22023)

Open Class: Mastering ROS2 Navigation Training (NAV22023)

ChatGPT for Robot Programming

Open Class: ChatGPT for Robot  Programming

ROS2 Iron Irwini Overview

Open Class: ROS2 Iron Irwini Overview

Security in ROS2

Open Class: Security in ROS2

Use ChatGPT to Speed Up Your ROS2 Learning

Open Class: Use ChatGPT to Speed Up Your ROS2 Learning

Managing QoS in ROS2 (C++)

Open Class: Managing QoS in ROS2 (C++)

Distributing ROS2 Apps with Snaps

Open Class: Distributing ROS2 Apps with Snaps

Mastering Robot Fleet Management with Open-RMF (2FM2023)

Open Class: Mastering Robot Fleet Management with Open-RMF (2FM2023)

Create Custom Plugins for ROS2 Navigation

Open Class: Create Custom Plugins for ROS2 Navigation

The 4th Managing Fleets of Robots with ROS2 training (1FM2023)

Open Class: The 4th Managing Fleets of Robots with ROS2 training (1FM2023)

Multithreading in ROS2 (C++)

Open Class: Multithreading in ROS2 (C++)

Multi-robot Navigation in ROS2

Open Class: Multi-robot Navigation in ROS2

Behavior Trees for ROS2

Open Class: Behavior Trees for ROS2

Robot Control Basics

Open Class: Robot Control Basics

ROSbot in action

Open Class: ROSbot in action

Create an Environment with RMF Traffic-Editor

Open Class: Create an Environment with RMF Traffic-Editor

ROS2 Debugging Tools

Open Class: ROS2 Debugging Tools

ROS2 Topics in C++

Open Class: ROS2 Topics in C++

Unit Testing for ROS2

Open Class: Unit Testing for ROS2

Web Development for Robotics

Open Class: Web Development for Robotics

Docker Basics for Robotics

Open Class: Docker Basics for Robotics

Jenkins Basics for Robotics

Open Class: Jenkins Basics for Robotics

C++ classes in ROS2

Open Class: C++ classes in ROS2

Git Basics for Robotics

Open Class: Git Basics for Robotics

ROS2 Navigation with the Simple Commander API

Open Class: ROS2 Navigation with the Simple Commander API

Executors and Callback Groups in ROS2

Open Class: Executors and Callback Groups in ROS2

ROS2 Motion Planning using C++

Open Class: ROS2 Motion Planning using C++

Gazebo and ROS

Open Class: Gazebo and ROS

How to set the initial robot pose in ROS2 Navigation

Open Class: How to set the initial robot pose in ROS2 Navigation

ROS2 Humble Hawksbill Overview

Open Class: ROS2 Humble Hawksbill Overview

ros2_control pipeline in Gazebo (Part 2)

Open Class: ros2_control pipeline in Gazebo (Part 2)

How to broadcast a TF in ROS2

Open Class: How to broadcast a TF in ROS2

Spawn a URDF model in Gazebo with ROS2

Open Class: Spawn a URDF model in Gazebo with ROS2

ros2_control pipeline in Gazebo (Part 1)

Open Class: ros2_control pipeline in Gazebo (Part 1)

Object Detection with ROS2

Open Class: Object Detection with ROS2

ROS2 Parameters with C++

Open Class: ROS2 Parameters with C++

Quality of Service in ROS2

Open Class: Quality of Service in ROS2

Nav2 Mapping

Open Class: Nav2 Mapping

ROS2 Managed Nodes

Open Class: ROS2 Managed Nodes

Setup and deliver an online ROS class for thousands in a minute

Open Class: Setup and deliver an online ROS class for thousands in a minute

Connect to the real NanoSaur robot using the ROS Development Studio

Open Class: Connect to the real NanoSaur robot using the ROS Development Studio

Connect to the real NanoSaur robot

Open Class: Connect to the real NanoSaur robot

Build Your Own Nanosaur

Open Class: Build Your Own Nanosaur

ROS2 AI with NanoSaur robot

Open Class: ROS2 AI with NanoSaur robot

Program nanosaur with ROS2

Open Class: Program nanosaur with ROS2

Using the ROS1 Bridge for ROS1-ROS2 communication

Open Class: Using the ROS1 Bridge for ROS1-ROS2 communication

Working with an ARI robot from PAL Robotics

Open Class: Working with an ARI robot from PAL Robotics

Omnidirection robot navigation on ROS2

Open Class: Omnidirection robot navigation on ROS2

ROS2 Galactic Geochelone Overview

Open Class: ROS2 Galactic Geochelone Overview

Remotely Control a Tianbot Mini Robot Part 1

Open Class: Remotely Control a Tianbot Mini Robot Part 1

ROS Manipulation of a Real Robot Arm - Part 3

Open Class: ROS Manipulation of a Real Robot Arm - Part 3

Deep Learning Basics: Neural Networks | ROS Developers Live Class #123

Open Class: Deep Learning Basics: Neural Networks | ROS Developers Live Class #123

ROS Manipulation on a Real Robot Arm Part 2

Open Class: ROS Manipulation on a Real Robot Arm Part 2

ROS Manipulation on a Real Robot Arm

Open Class: ROS Manipulation on a Real Robot Arm

Deploy ROS2 Algorithms to a Real Mobile Robot

Open Class: Deploy ROS2 Algorithms to a Real Mobile Robot

YOLO Object Detection

Open Class: YOLO Object Detection

Path Planning Basics: Dijkstra Algorithm

Open Class: Path Planning Basics: Dijkstra Algorithm

ROS2 Services in C++

Open Class: ROS2 Services in C++

ROS2 Action Server in C++

Open Class: ROS2 Action Server in C++

Remotely Control a Jetbot Nano Robot

Open Class: Remotely Control a Jetbot Nano Robot

Reinforcement Learning for Robotics: dynamic programming problems

Open Class: Reinforcement Learning for Robotics: dynamic programming problems

Basic Probability for Robotics

Open Class: Basic Probability for Robotics

Basic C++ for Robotics: Arrays & Pointers, Part 2

Open Class: Basic C++ for Robotics: Arrays & Pointers, Part 2

Basic C++ for robotics: Arrays and Pointers, Part 1

Open Class: Basic C++ for robotics: Arrays and Pointers, Part 1

Node composition with ROS2

Open Class: Node composition with ROS2

Generate Topic Statistics with ROS2

Open Class: Generate Topic Statistics with ROS2

Switching from Simulation to Real Robot

Open Class: Switching from Simulation to Real Robot

ROS2 Action Server in Python

Open Class: ROS2 Action Server in Python

ROS2 Bag Files

Open Class: ROS2 Bag Files

ROS2 Services in Python

Open Class: ROS2 Services in Python

ROS2 Topics in Python

Open Class: ROS2 Topics in Python

How to create a ROS2 package in C++ and Python

Open Class: How to create a ROS2 package in C++ and Python

Basic Concepts of Kalman Filters

Open Class: Basic Concepts of Kalman Filters

Forward Kinematics of a Manipulator Arm

Open Class: Forward Kinematics of a Manipulator Arm

ROS2 Essentials: Robot Localization

Open Class: ROS2 Essentials: Robot Localization

50 ROS (and not ROS) Q&A

Open Class: 50 ROS (and not ROS) Q&A

Basic Dynamics of a Robotic System | ROS Developers LIVE Class #99

Open Class: Basic Dynamics of a Robotic System | ROS Developers LIVE Class #99

Kinematics for Holonomic Robots

Open Class: Kinematics for Holonomic Robots

Machine Learning for Robotics

Open Class: Machine Learning for Robotics

OpenCV Basics for Robotics II

Open Class: OpenCV Basics for Robotics II

OpenCV Basics for Robotics

Open Class: OpenCV Basics for Robotics

Basic Machine Learning for Robotics

Open Class: Basic Machine Learning for Robotics

Basic Robot Mobile Kinematics

Open Class: Basic Robot Mobile Kinematics

ROS2 Essentials: Mapping

Open Class: ROS2 Essentials: Mapping

Porting a node from ROS1 to ROS2

Open Class: Porting a node from ROS1 to ROS2

Difference between ROS1 & ROS2

Open Class: Difference between ROS1 & ROS2

Finally Understand ROS Publishers

Open Class: Finally Understand ROS Publishers

Finally Understand ROS Subscribers

Open Class: Finally Understand ROS Subscribers

Understanding DDS in ROS2

Open Class: Understanding DDS in ROS2

How to use OpenCV with ROS

Open Class: How to use OpenCV with ROS

What are ROS Messages?

Open Class: What are ROS Messages?

Send Navigation Commands Programmatically

Open Class: Send Navigation Commands Programmatically

Which ROS-Based Robot do you Need to Buy?

Open Class: Which ROS-Based Robot do you Need to Buy?

How to Create a Course for The Robot Ignite Academy

Open Class: How to Create a Course for The Robot Ignite Academy

How to use ROS with Python3

Open Class: How to use ROS with Python3

ROSbot Programming

Open Class: ROSbot Programming

Using NVIDIA Jetson Nano with ROS

Open Class: Using NVIDIA Jetson Nano with ROS

How to read laserscan data

Open Class: How to read laserscan data

Controlling a ROS Robot with a Web Page

Open Class: Controlling a ROS Robot with a Web Page

How to Create a Map for Robot Navigation using Cartographer

Open Class: How to Create a Map for Robot Navigation using Cartographer

Why doesn't the Robot move when I send a Navigation Goal?

Open Class: Why doesn't the Robot move when I send a Navigation Goal?

How to Create Your ROSject

Open Class: How to Create Your ROSject

Why is my Robot Map not Correct?

Open Class: Why is my Robot Map not Correct?

Why is my Robot Arm not moving?

Open Class: Why is my Robot Arm not moving?

How to visualize sensor data in ROS2

Open Class: How to visualize sensor data in ROS2

How to Control a Robot with ROS2 (Dashing)

Open Class: How to Control a Robot with ROS2 (Dashing)

How to Control 2 Arm Robots with Movelt

Open Class: How to Control 2 Arm Robots with Movelt

Make Multiple Robots Collaborate to Create a Map - Part 2

Open Class: Make Multiple Robots Collaborate to Create a Map - Part 2

[Robot Exploration] Multiple Robots Collaborate to Create a Map

Open Class: [Robot Exploration] Multiple Robots Collaborate to Create a Map

[Robot Exploration] How Can a Robot Create a Map Autonomously

Open Class: [Robot Exploration] How Can a Robot Create a Map Autonomously

Multiple Robots Navigation in Gazebo

Open Class: Multiple Robots Navigation in Gazebo

Linux for Robotics

Open Class: Linux for Robotics

Visualizing a Robot URDF in RViz

Open Class: Visualizing a Robot URDF in RViz

C++ for Robotics

Open Class: C++ for Robotics

Python for Robotics

Open Class: Python for Robotics

MoveIt! Robot Perception

Open Class: MoveIt! Robot Perception

Use MoveIt! to Pick an Object

Open Class: Use MoveIt! to Pick an Object

Configuring Moveit! for your arm robot

Open Class: Configuring Moveit! for your arm robot

Make Your Robot Patrol An Area

Open Class: Make Your Robot Patrol An Area

Robot State Publisher vs Joint State Publisher

Open Class: Robot State Publisher vs Joint State Publisher

ROS Control - How to create your own controller

Open Class: ROS Control - How to create your own controller

ROS Control Introduction - Types of controllers

Open Class: ROS Control Introduction - Types of controllers

Localize a robot using GPS

Open Class: Localize a robot using GPS

How to fuse odometry & IMU using the robot_localization package

Open Class: How to fuse odometry & IMU using the robot_localization package

Autonomous Robot Navigation with ROS

Open Class: Autonomous Robot Navigation with ROS

How to map and localize a robot using ROS

Open Class: How to map and localize a robot using ROS

Make Cozmo detect it's cube and move towards it

Open Class: Make Cozmo detect it's cube and move towards it

Create a Gazebo world for Cozmo

Open Class: Create a Gazebo world for Cozmo

How to create Gazebo simulation for Cozmo robot

Open Class: How to create Gazebo simulation for Cozmo robot

How to use ROS1 with ROS2 (with ROS1Bridge)

Open Class: How to use ROS1 with ROS2 (with ROS1Bridge)

Intro to HRIM, the Hardware Robot Information Model

Open Class: Intro to HRIM, the Hardware Robot Information Model

ROS2 messages in ROS2 Crystal

Open Class: ROS2 messages in ROS2 Crystal

How to use ROS2 Topics (Crystal)

Open Class: How to use ROS2 Topics (Crystal)

Domain randomization with ROS, Gazebo and Fetch | part 2

Open Class: Domain randomization with ROS, Gazebo and Fetch | part 2

Domain randomization with ROS, Gazebo and Fetch | part 1

Open Class: Domain randomization with ROS, Gazebo and Fetch | part 1

How to create a ROS Action Server

Open Class: How to create a ROS Action Server

How to create a ROS Service in C++

Open Class: How to create a ROS Service in C++

How To Parallelize Search of Reinforcement Learning Hyperparameters

Open Class: How To Parallelize Search of Reinforcement Learning Hyperparameters

How to use your trained DQNN in the robot

Open Class: How to use your trained DQNN in the robot

Testing Different Robots on the Same Reinforcement Learning Task

Open Class: Testing Different Robots on the Same Reinforcement Learning Task

Testing different RL Algorithms with ROS and Gazebo

Open Class: Testing different RL Algorithms with ROS and Gazebo

Understanding dead reckoning robot navigation with ROS

Open Class: Understanding dead reckoning robot navigation with ROS

Duckietown AI Driving Olympics EP3

Open Class: Duckietown AI Driving Olympics EP3

Duckietown AI Driving Olympics EP2

Open Class: Duckietown AI Driving Olympics EP2

Duckietown AI Driving Olympics EP1

Open Class: Duckietown AI Driving Olympics EP1

How to use openAI ROS for the Virtual Maritime RobotX Challenge

Open Class: How to use openAI ROS for the Virtual Maritime RobotX Challenge

Robot Behavior Design using the FlexBe Engine | Round 3

Open Class: Robot Behavior Design using the FlexBe Engine | Round 3

Robot Behavior Design using the FlexBe Engine | Round 2

Open Class: Robot Behavior Design using the FlexBe Engine | Round 2

Robot Behavior Design using the FlexBe Engine

Open Class: Robot Behavior Design using the FlexBe Engine

How to create basic markers in Rviz | Round 2

Open Class: How to create basic markers in Rviz | Round 2

How to create basic markers in ROS Rviz

Open Class: How to create basic markers in ROS Rviz

Using Tensorflow with ROS

Open Class: Using Tensorflow with ROS

How to create an OpenAI environment for your robotic problem

Open Class: How to create an OpenAI environment for your robotic problem

A Basic Example of OpenAI with ROS

Open Class: A Basic Example of OpenAI with ROS

Simulate an Industrial Environment

Open Class: Simulate an Industrial Environment

Let's Use Gazebo Plugins

Open Class: Let's Use Gazebo Plugins

Let's Simulate a World in Gazebo

Open Class: Let's Simulate a World in Gazebo

Let's Simulate a Robotic Arm With Gazebo

Open Class: Let's Simulate a Robotic Arm With Gazebo

How to build a Gazebo robot simulation

Open Class: How to build a Gazebo robot simulation

Using ROS TF to transform sensor data

Open Class: Using ROS TF to transform sensor data

How To Control Robot Joints With ROS

Open Class: How To Control Robot Joints With ROS

ROS Navigation Stack How To

Open Class: ROS Navigation Stack How To

How to use ROS with industrial robots (ROS Industrial)

Open Class: How to use ROS with industrial robots (ROS Industrial)

Visually Programming ROS State Machines (Round #3)

Open Class: Visually Programming ROS State Machines (Round #3)

Visually Programming ROS State Machines (Round #2)

Open Class: Visually Programming ROS State Machines (Round #2)

Visually Programming ROS State Machines (Round #1)

Open Class: Visually Programming ROS State Machines (Round #1)

How to recognize faces with the ROS face recognition package

Open Class: How to recognize faces with the ROS face recognition package

OpenAI+ROS Robot | Round 2: Practical section

Open Class: OpenAI+ROS Robot | Round 2: Practical section

How to use OpenAI to train your robot

Open Class: How to use OpenAI to train your robot

Simulating a Drone from Scratch

Open Class: Simulating a Drone from Scratch

Carrot Navigation using AR Tags

Open Class: Carrot Navigation using AR Tags

How to build and find ROS programs with ROSDS

Open Class: How to build and find ROS programs with ROSDS

ROS meets Self-driving Cars

Open Class: ROS meets Self-driving Cars

Rotating laser mounted on a vehicle

Open Class: Rotating laser mounted on a vehicle

How to use GPS to do autonomous robot navigation

Open Class: How to use GPS to do autonomous robot navigation

Merging Odometry and IMU data for robot localization

Open Class: Merging Odometry and IMU data for robot localization

Building 3D pointclouds from rotating lasers

Open Class: Building 3D pointclouds from rotating lasers

Outdoors Robot Navigation for Agricultural Robots Using ROS

Open Class: Outdoors Robot Navigation for Agricultural Robots Using ROS

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