Free Open Classes
Learn and practice how to develop ROS-based robots with a ROS expert in a real time event every single week. LIVE Every Tuesday @6PM CEST.
ROS Winter Camp - Dubai (Feb 2024)

What are Quaternions in Robotics

How to Measure Robot Movement

Coordinate Transformations in Robotics

How Robots Move

How Robots Perceive the World

Open-RMF Introduction

ROS Developers Assemble: Online Meetup

AI Foundations for Robotics

Docker for ROS 2

3D Object Detection and Navigation with Darknet & YOLO and LIMO Robot

How to create Web Dashboards for ROS 2

Custom Controller Integration with Nav2

Zenoh ROS 2 RMW: A New Middleware Implementation

Human Pose Estimation with AI in ROS 2

Warehouse Automation with ROS 2

Object Detection with OpenCV for ROS 2

Line Following with OpenCV for ROS 2

DDS for Robotics certificate training (2DDS2024)

Perception with AprilTags for ROS2

Laser-based Odometry for ROS2 with BotBox

DDS Monitoring for ROS2

Understand Ackermann Kinematics in ROS2 with LIMO Robot

Monitor Your Robots from the Web with Foxglove

Learn Holonomic Kinematics with ROSbot XL

From Sketch to Simulation

DDS for Robotics certificate training (DDS2024)

Learn ROS2 with a LIMO Robot

DevOps for Robotics Certificate Training (DevOps2024)

Waypoint Navigation with a Waiter Robot

Mastering Robot Fleet Management with Open-RMF Training (2FM2024)

Real Robotics Cases #1: ROS1-ROS2 Migration of OnRobot Gripper using Docker

Vision Language Models for Robotics

Python ROS2: Mastering Callbacks Tutorial

ROS2 Industrial Training Fraunhofer IPA

Gazebo Sim with ROS2

ROS2 with Rust

Cartesian Planning with MoveIt2

Get ROS2 Industrial Ready hands-on training (1RI2024)

Using ChatGPT to Understand 3rd-party ROS Code Faster

Debug ROS Errors Faster with ChatGPT

Get ROS2 Industrial Ready hands-on training (2RI2023)

Program ROS robots faster with ChatGPT

Mastering ROS2 Navigation Training (NAV22023)

ChatGPT for Robot Programming

ROS2 Iron Irwini Overview

Security in ROS2

Use ChatGPT to Speed Up Your ROS2 Learning

Managing QoS in ROS2 (C++)

Distributing ROS2 Apps with Snaps

Mastering Robot Fleet Management with Open-RMF (2FM2023)

Create Custom Plugins for ROS2 Navigation

The 4th Managing Fleets of Robots with ROS2 training (1FM2023)

Multithreading in ROS2 (C++)

Multi-robot Navigation in ROS2

Behavior Trees for ROS2

Robot Control Basics

ROSbot in action

Create an Environment with RMF Traffic-Editor

ROS2 Debugging Tools

ROS2 Topics in C++

Unit Testing for ROS2

Web Development for Robotics

Docker Basics for Robotics

Jenkins Basics for Robotics

C++ classes in ROS2

Git Basics for Robotics

ROS2 Navigation with the Simple Commander API

Executors and Callback Groups in ROS2

ROS2 Motion Planning using C++

Gazebo and ROS

How to set the initial robot pose in ROS2 Navigation

ROS2 Humble Hawksbill Overview

ros2_control pipeline in Gazebo (Part 2)

How to broadcast a TF in ROS2

Spawn a URDF model in Gazebo with ROS2

ros2_control pipeline in Gazebo (Part 1)

Object Detection with ROS2

ROS2 Parameters with C++

Quality of Service in ROS2

Nav2 Mapping

ROS2 Managed Nodes

Setup and deliver an online ROS class for thousands in a minute

Connect to the real NanoSaur robot using the ROS Development Studio

Connect to the real NanoSaur robot

Build Your Own Nanosaur

ROS2 AI with NanoSaur robot

Program nanosaur with ROS2

Using the ROS1 Bridge for ROS1-ROS2 communication

Working with an ARI robot from PAL Robotics

Omnidirection robot navigation on ROS2

ROS2 Galactic Geochelone Overview

Remotely Control a Tianbot Mini Robot Part 1

ROS Manipulation of a Real Robot Arm - Part 3

Deep Learning Basics: Neural Networks | ROS Developers Live Class #123

ROS Manipulation on a Real Robot Arm Part 2

ROS Manipulation on a Real Robot Arm

Deploy ROS2 Algorithms to a Real Mobile Robot

YOLO Object Detection

Path Planning Basics: Dijkstra Algorithm

ROS2 Services in C++

ROS2 Action Server in C++

Remotely Control a Jetbot Nano Robot

Reinforcement Learning for Robotics: dynamic programming problems

Basic Probability for Robotics

Basic C++ for Robotics: Arrays & Pointers, Part 2

Basic C++ for robotics: Arrays and Pointers, Part 1

Node composition with ROS2

Generate Topic Statistics with ROS2

Switching from Simulation to Real Robot

ROS2 Action Server in Python

ROS2 Bag Files

ROS2 Services in Python

ROS2 Topics in Python

How to create a ROS2 package in C++ and Python

Basic Concepts of Kalman Filters

Forward Kinematics of a Manipulator Arm

ROS2 Essentials: Robot Localization

50 ROS (and not ROS) Q&A

Basic Dynamics of a Robotic System | ROS Developers LIVE Class #99

Kinematics for Holonomic Robots

Machine Learning for Robotics

OpenCV Basics for Robotics II

OpenCV Basics for Robotics

Basic Machine Learning for Robotics

Basic Robot Mobile Kinematics

ROS2 Essentials: Mapping

Porting a node from ROS1 to ROS2

Difference between ROS1 & ROS2

Finally Understand ROS Publishers

Finally Understand ROS Subscribers

Understanding DDS in ROS2

How to use OpenCV with ROS

What are ROS Messages?

Send Navigation Commands Programmatically

Which ROS-Based Robot do you Need to Buy?

How to Create a Course for The Robot Ignite Academy

How to use ROS with Python3

ROSbot Programming

Using NVIDIA Jetson Nano with ROS

How to read laserscan data

Controlling a ROS Robot with a Web Page

How to Create a Map for Robot Navigation using Cartographer

Why doesn't the Robot move when I send a Navigation Goal?

How to Create Your ROSject

Why is my Robot Map not Correct?

Why is my Robot Arm not moving?

How to visualize sensor data in ROS2

How to Control a Robot with ROS2 (Dashing)

How to Control 2 Arm Robots with Movelt

Make Multiple Robots Collaborate to Create a Map - Part 2

[Robot Exploration] Multiple Robots Collaborate to Create a Map
![Open Class: [Robot Exploration] Multiple Robots Collaborate to Create a Map](
[Robot Exploration] How Can a Robot Create a Map Autonomously
![Open Class: [Robot Exploration] How Can a Robot Create a Map Autonomously](
Multiple Robots Navigation in Gazebo

Linux for Robotics

Visualizing a Robot URDF in RViz

C++ for Robotics

Python for Robotics

MoveIt! Robot Perception

Use MoveIt! to Pick an Object

Configuring Moveit! for your arm robot

Make Your Robot Patrol An Area

Robot State Publisher vs Joint State Publisher

ROS Control - How to create your own controller

ROS Control Introduction - Types of controllers

Localize a robot using GPS

How to fuse odometry & IMU using the robot_localization package

Autonomous Robot Navigation with ROS

How to map and localize a robot using ROS

Make Cozmo detect it's cube and move towards it

Create a Gazebo world for Cozmo

How to create Gazebo simulation for Cozmo robot

How to use ROS1 with ROS2 (with ROS1Bridge)

Intro to HRIM, the Hardware Robot Information Model

ROS2 messages in ROS2 Crystal

How to use ROS2 Topics (Crystal)

Domain randomization with ROS, Gazebo and Fetch | part 2

Domain randomization with ROS, Gazebo and Fetch | part 1

How to create a ROS Action Server

How to create a ROS Service in C++

How To Parallelize Search of Reinforcement Learning Hyperparameters

How to use your trained DQNN in the robot

Testing Different Robots on the Same Reinforcement Learning Task

Testing different RL Algorithms with ROS and Gazebo

Understanding dead reckoning robot navigation with ROS

Duckietown AI Driving Olympics EP3

Duckietown AI Driving Olympics EP2

Duckietown AI Driving Olympics EP1

How to use openAI ROS for the Virtual Maritime RobotX Challenge

Robot Behavior Design using the FlexBe Engine | Round 3

Robot Behavior Design using the FlexBe Engine | Round 2

Robot Behavior Design using the FlexBe Engine

How to create basic markers in Rviz | Round 2

How to create basic markers in ROS Rviz

Using Tensorflow with ROS

How to create an OpenAI environment for your robotic problem

A Basic Example of OpenAI with ROS

Simulate an Industrial Environment

Let's Use Gazebo Plugins

Let's Simulate a World in Gazebo

Let's Simulate a Robotic Arm With Gazebo

How to build a Gazebo robot simulation

Using ROS TF to transform sensor data

How To Control Robot Joints With ROS

ROS Navigation Stack How To

How to use ROS with industrial robots (ROS Industrial)

Visually Programming ROS State Machines (Round #3)

Visually Programming ROS State Machines (Round #2)

Visually Programming ROS State Machines (Round #1)

How to recognize faces with the ROS face recognition package

OpenAI+ROS Robot | Round 2: Practical section

How to use OpenAI to train your robot

Simulating a Drone from Scratch

Carrot Navigation using AR Tags

How to build and find ROS programs with ROSDS

ROS meets Self-driving Cars

Rotating laser mounted on a vehicle

How to use GPS to do autonomous robot navigation

Merging Odometry and IMU data for robot localization

Building 3D pointclouds from rotating lasers

Outdoors Robot Navigation for Agricultural Robots Using ROS