Academy - Course list
On device AI for Robotics - Python
Edge AI

Basic Machine Learning for Robotics - Python
Machine Learning, Robotics

Deep Learning Basics - Python
You will learn deep learning basics.

PyTorch Essentials for Robotics - Python
Learn foundational PyTorch tools for AI development through hands-on robotics examples.

Intermediate Generative AI for Robotics - Python
Master cutting-edge generative AI models applied to robotics.

ROS2 Basics in 5 Days (Python) - Python
Learn ROS2 basics now. It doesn't matter if you are new to ROS or a veteran, ROS2 is here to stay.

Mastering Reinforcement Learning for Robotics - Python
This course introduces reinforcement learning for robotics, covering core concepts, Q-Learning, and Deep Q-Learning (DQL).

Building Gazebo Simulations with Blender - Python
Master Gazebo Classic and Sim simulations using Blender

AI Foundations for Robotics - Python
AI, AI for beginers, AI basics, probability

DDS for Robotics - Python
Learn how DDS works for ROS2-based robots.
Introduction to Gazebo Sim with ROS2 - Python
Learn Gazebo Sim Garden, the new generation of simulation software from Open Robotics, and how to seamlessly use it with ROS2.

Mastering Mobile Manipulation with LIMO-Robot - Python
Master Mobile Manipulation with LIMO, your interactive learning companion in a hands-on course designed for beginners.

ROS2 Basics in 5 Days (C++) - C++
Learn ROS2 basics now. It doesn't matter if you are new to ROS or a veteran, ROS2 is here to stay.

Behavior Trees for ROS2 - C++
Learn to use Behavior Trees in ROS2.

Robot Control Basics - Python
Learn various methods and techniques of modern robot control.

ROS2 Control Framework - Python
Understand ROS2 Control to add feedback control to your robot

ROS Basics in 5 Days (Python) - Python
Learn the fundamentals of ROS to understand and be able to program robots.

ROS Basics in 5 Days (C++) - C++
Learn the fundamentals of ROS to understand and be able to program robots.

Python 3 for Robotics - Python
Master the basics of Python 3 for robot programming

ROS2 Basics in 3 Days (Rust) - Python
Be at the forefront of robotics engineering by combining ROS2 and Rust.

ROS Navigation in 5 Days - Python
Learn how to make your robot navigate autonomously by using the ROS Navigation Stack.

ROS2 Navigation - Python
Learn how make robots autonomously navigate using Nav2

OpenCV Basics for Robotics - Python
Learn how to work with OpenCV in ROS.

Distributing ROS Apps with Snaps - Python
Distribute robotics applications like a global software vendor

ROS 2 Perception in 5 Days - Python
Elevate Your ROS 2 Expertise with Sensor Intelligence

Developing Web Interfaces for ROS - Python
From the essential to advanced widgets, learn how to control and monitor robots with ROS using just your web browser, all on the web!

Using NVIDIA Jetson Nano with ROS - Python
Learn DeepLearnin using NVIDIA Jetson Nano with IgnisBot.

Create Your First Robot with ROS (Deprecated) - Python
Creating your first ROS based Robot from Scratch.

Deep Learning with Domain Randomization - Python
Learn how to train any robot to recognize an object and pinpoint its 3D location with only an RGB camera and a lot of training with Keras.

Fuse Sensor Data to Improve Localization - Python
Learn how to fuse GPS, IMU, odometry and other sources of localization.

Unit Testing with ROS - Python
Learn how to perform Unit Tests with ROS on the 3 main levels of testing: Python tests, ROS tests and Integration tests.

ROS Autonomous Vehicles 101 - Python
Introduction to Autonomous Vehicles in the ROS ecosystem

RTAB-Map in ROS 101 - Python
Learn how to use the rtabmap_ros package for performing RGB-D SLAM

TF ROS - Python
To finally understand TF and Robot State Publisher in ROS

URDF for Robot Modeling - Python
Understanding robot modeling using URDF

ROS RViz Advanced Markers - Python
Learn how to use RViz Advanced Markers for debugging and visualization

Programming Drones with ROS - Python
Learn all the basics you need in order to start programming autnomous drones.

Mastering with ROS: SUMMIT XL - Python
Learn all the basics to work with the Summit XL robot from Robotnik.

Mastering with ROS: Jackal - Python
Learn how to create real world applications for a real robot. In this case Jackal robot from ClearPathRobotics.

Mastering with ROS: Turtlebot3 - Python
Learn how to work with a Turtlebot3 robot.

TEB Local Planner - Python
Learn how to set up the TEB Local Planner for your Navigation system, including set up for car-like robots.

Robot Dynamics and Control - Python
Learn to develop dynamic models and intelligent control systems for simple robots.

FlexBe with ROS - Python
Learn the basics of how to use FlexBe with ROS.

Debug Cases - Python
This Course contains several ROS-related problems that need to be solved by you.

Basic Kinematics of Mobile Robots - Python
Learn the basic kinematics of mobile robots.

Kalman Filters - Python
Learn how Kalman filters work and how to apply them to mobile robots using ROS.

Basic Maths for Robotics - Python
Learn the most useful Mathematics: the ones we can apply to Robotics!

C++ for Robotics - C++
Master the basics of C++ for robot programming

Using OpenAI with ROS - Python
Use the power of OpenAI combined with ROS simulations the easiest way.

ROS Control - Python
To finally understand ROS_Control and how to use it on your robot.

ROS Manipulation in 5 Days - Python
Learn how to make your manipulator interact with the environment using ROS

Mastering with ROS: TIAGo - Melodic - Python
Learn how to work with a TIAGo robot from PAL Robotics.

Reinforcement Learning for Robotics - Python
Learn the main reinforcement learning techniques and algorithms.

ROS Perception in 5 Days - Python
Learn OpenCV, FaceRecognition, Person tracking and object recognition in ROS1Noetic system

Path Planning Basics - Python
Learn the theory behind the most used path planning algorithms.

Web Development for Robotics - Python
Learn to create web applications for your robots

ROS2 Industrial Ready Master Part 1 - Python
Learn all the topics of ROS2 required to program robots with ROS2 for industrial-collaborative environments.

ROS2 Industrial Ready Master Part 2 - C++
Learn all the topics of ROS2 required to program robots with ROS2 for industrial-collaborative environments.

Jenkins Basics for Robotics - Python
Learn how to achieve continuous integration for robotics development

Mastering Gazebo Classic - C++
Learn how to create simulations. This course is a must if you want to learn how to build worlds or robots for Gazebo Classic .

Mastering ROS: RB-Car - Python
In this course you will learn the basics for autonomous driving using the Robotnik Autonomous Car

Mastering ROS : RB-Vogui+ - Python
Learn the basic operation for the RB-Vogui+ Robot from Robotnik. Learn how navigation, manipulation and perception can be done with RB-Vogui+.

Git and GitHub Basics - Python
Learn to use Git and GitHub for robotics development

URDF for Robot Modeling in ROS2 - Python
Understanding robot modeling using URDF in ROS2

Advanced Modern C++ for Robotics - C++
Master the basics of C++ for robot programming

Basic Arm Kinematics - Python
Learn the kinematics concepts through theory and hands on experience.

Intermediate ROS2 - Python
Take your ROS2 knowledge to the next level.

Docker Basics for Robotics - Python
Learn Docker basics for robotics

GTest Framework for ROS2 - C++
Understand the GTest (Google Test) framework and how to integrate it with ROS2

Advanced ROS2 Navigation - Python
Take a deeper look at Navigation for ROS2

Mastering Mobile Manipulators - Python
Master how to create ROS applications for autonomous mobile manipulators

Intermediate ROS2 (C++) - C++
Take your ROS2 knowledge to the next level.

ROS2 Security - Python
Learn to enable and manage security with ROS2

Robot Fleet Management in ROS2 v2 - Python
Learn how to set up a robot fleet and manage it with the RMF infrastructure.

Generative AI for Robotics - Python
Learn all you need to go from knowing nothing about the technology behind ChatGPT to using it in a robot for moving, perception, and human command understanding.

ROS2 Manipulation Basics - C++
Learn the ROS2 manipulation essentials. Learn how to configure and use MoveIt2 for controlling manipulator robots.

Linux for Robotics - Python
Learn the Linux fundamentals you'll need for robotics development

TF ROS2 - Python
To finally understand TF in ROS2

Mastering ROS 2 with LIMO-Robot - Python
Master ROS2 and practical robotics with LIMO in a beginner-friendly, hands-on course.

Basics of Robotics with LIMO - Python
Learn robotics programming with Python and the Limo robot, covering sensors, actuators, and odometry in an immersive course.

Mastering Deep Learning with LIMO-Robot - Python
Master deep learning with hands-on aproach using the LIMO robot.

Robotics Introduction For High Schoolers Part 1 - Python
Learn the Linux fundamentals you'll need for robotics development

Robotics Introduction for High Schoolers Part 2 - Python
Master the basics of Python 3 for robot programming

Robotics Introduction For High Schoolers Part 3 - Python
Learn robotics programming with Python , covering sensors, actuators, and odometry in an immersive course.