ROS2 Basics in 3 Days (Rust) Course - Python

Be at the forefront of robotics engineering by combining ROS2 and Rust.

ROS2 Basics in 3 Days (Rust) course

Course Summary

We'll start with the fundamentals, building a strong foundation that will enable you to confidently work with ROS2 in Rust. From creating a package to understanding publishers and subscribers, you'll get the knowledge and skills you need to bring your robotics projects to life.

What you will learn

Course Overview

Introduction to the Course

This unit is an introduction to the ROS2 Basics in 3 Days using Rust course. You will have a quick preview of the contents to be covered in the course and a practical demo.

Basic Concepts

This course unit covers structuring and launching ROS2 programs (packages and launch files), creating basic ROS2 programs in Rust, and fundamental ROS2 concepts like nodes and client libraries.

ROS2 Topics

This course unit explores managing topics, creating publishers and subscribers, understanding topic messages, and developing custom interfaces in topic-based communication within a limited character count.


Julia Marsal

Making ROS easily accessible to everyone, including you.

Julia Marsal

Robots used

Neobotix MP-400 robot

Neobotix MP-400 robot

Learning Path


Main Links