Mastering ROS 2 with LIMO-Robot Course - Python

Master ROS2 and practical robotics with LIMO in a beginner-friendly, hands-on course.

Mastering ROS 2 with LIMO-Robot course

Course Summary

Designed for beginners and enthusiasts alike, this course offers a comprehensive introduction to the Robot Operating System 2 (ROS2), the next-generation framework for developing sophisticated and scalable robot applications.

You'll learn the core concepts and tools of ROS2, all while working with LIMO, an interactive robot designed to enhance your learning experience. LIMO, with its versatile capabilities, serves as the perfect platform to apply your knowledge in real-world scenarios.

What you will learn

Course Overview

ROS2 Basic Concepts

Basic ROS2 concepts: packages, nodes, compilation and launch files

Understanding ROS2 Topics

What are topics, publishers, subscribers, topic messages (interfaces) and how they work.

How to build a map

Learn how to build a map for navigation

How to localize the robot in the environment

How to do localization in ROS2 using AMCL

How to do Path Planning in ROS2

About the Nav2 planner, controller and bt-navigator

How Obstacle Avoidance happens in ROS2

How to make Nav2 avoid static and dynamic obstacles.

RTAB-Map Basic Concepts

Learn how to initiate RTAB for generating a point cloud map.

Autonomous Navigation with RTAB-Map

Learn how to localize with a point cloud map and navigate autonomously.


Miguel Angel Rodriguez

Crashing engineering problems. Building solutions.

Miguel Angel Rodriguez

Robots used

LIMO robot

LIMO robot

Learning Path


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