Why is my Robot Arm not moving? Open Class

What you will learn in this Open Class
In this class, you will learn how to detect common errors that prevent the robot from moving.
Why is it so important to learn this topic?
In many cases, it happens that although we have the robot in the simulation, it cannot produce any type of movement. It cannot even hold firmly, in the case of being robotic arms. This is very common due to errors in the controllers. It is very important to know how to detect them and verify where they originated.
There are various types of controllers. Many of these allow the movement of different joints or the final effectors, and there are even controllers that allow trajectories. That is why it is important to have knowledge of them and know how they work. Although these errors may seem simple, finding and tracking them can become an arduous task, which any ROS DEVELOPER has dealt with.
This ROSject has been created by Christian Chavez and Ricardo Tellez from The Construct. You can use this ROSject freely as long as you keep this notice.
REQUIREMENTS: - Basics of Linux (https://www.theconstructsim.com/robotigniteacademy_learnros/ros-courses-library/linux-for-robotics/) - ROS Basics (https://www.theconstructsim.com/robotigniteacademy_learnros/ros-courses-library/ros-python-course/) - ROS Control - Love for Robotics and patience