@duckfrost2 (Miguel Angel Rodriguez) - Ronda, Spain

Working to create really intelligent AI. I love making ideas into really cool simulations, games and real robots. My strengths are tough issues cracking, creativity, flexibility and believing in the imposisible.

's skills

's Work Experience



From 2006-07-03 to 2008-11-03

We created a gait system for a small humanoid Robonova robot for a competition. We created also some movements for a wheeled humanoid robot called TIBI.



From 2009-07-01 to 2009-08-04

Worked as trainee in Railway system of Germany, learning basic train automatic systems.



From 2012-01-01 to 2013-08-06

Worked for preparing PAL robotics robots for the RoboCup at Home competition.

The Construct


From 2015-09-01 to current date

Working currently in TheConstruct as Head of Research. That means working on experimental projects that will be implemented as products in future iterations of The Construct. Also working in course upgrades, simulation generation, and technical support.

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