ROS2 Navigation Course - Python

Learn how to make robots autonomously navigate using Nav2

ROS2 Navigation course

Course Summary

Learn how to use the ROS2 Navigation (Nav2) package to make a robot autonomously navigate. You will understand how all the parts work together so you can adapt them to your robot.

What you will learn

Course Overview

Introduction to ROS2-Navigation

How robots Navigate? Different components of the Nav2 packages

How to build a map

Learn how to build a map for navigation

How to localize the robot in the environment

How to do localization in ROS2 using AMCL

How to do Path Planning in ROS2

About the Nav2 planner, controller and bt-navigator

How Obstacle Avoidance happens in ROS2

How to make Nav2 avoid static and dynamic obstacles.

Multirobot Navigation

How to configure navigation for muiltirobot environments


Ricardo Tellez

Dreaming of a world where robots actually understand what they are doing. Developing the definitive tool that will make it happen.

Ricardo Tellez

Robots used

TurtleBot 3 robot

TurtleBot 3 robot

Learning Path

Get started with ROS2

Get started with ROS2


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