ROS Basics in 5 Days (Python) Course - Python
Learn the fundamentals of ROS to understand and be able to program robots.

Course Summary
Interested in learning how to program robots with ROS, but don’t know where to get started?
The ROS BASICS IN 5 DAYS course will take you quickly and smoothly into ROS. You will learn the essential concepts and tools to be able to understand and create any basic ROS related projects.
What you will learn
- Understand key ROS concepts
- Understand and create your own ROS programs
- How to debug your ROS programs
- How to apply theory into real Robotics Challenge and Projects.
Course Overview
Unit for previewing the contents of the Course
ROS Deconstruction
Guide that will help you in order to correctly follow this Course.
ROS Basics
Basic ROS concepts: Nodes, Parameter Server, Environment Variables, Roscore, etc...
Understanding ROS Topics - Publishers
What are ROS Topics, Publishers, Topic Messages and how they work.
Understanding ROS Topics - Subscribers & Messages
What is a Subscriber and how to create one, as well as how to create your own message.
Understanding ROS Services - Clients
What is a ROS Service, how to manage services in a robot and how to call a service.
Understanding ROS Services - Server
How to create a Service and how to create your own Service Message.
Using Python Classes in ROS
How to create ROS programs using Python classes.
Understanding ROS Actions - Clients
What is a ROS Action, how to manage actions in a robot and how to call an Action Server.
Understanding ROS Actions - Servers
How to create an Action Server and how to build your own Action message.
How to Debug ROS Programs
How to manage and filter ROS logs, record and replay sensory data, plot Topic Data, draw connections between different nodes of your system, and basic usage of RViz debugging tool.
Learn how to install ROS on your local computer and how to create and manage ROS workspaces..
Ricardo Tellez
Dreaming of a world where robots actually understand what they are doing. Developing the definitive tool that will make it happen.

Miguel Angel Rodriguez
Crashing engineering problems. Building solutions.

Alberto Ezquerro
Making easier the way the people learn how to program robots.

Robots used
bb8 robot

IRI Wam robot

Parrot AR.Drone robot

Turtlebot robot

Learning Path
ROS For Beginners