ROS 2 Perception in 5 Days Course - Python

Elevate Your ROS 2 Expertise with Sensor Intelligence

ROS 2 Perception in 5 Days course

Course Summary

This course will embark on an exciting journey into the realm of perception in robotics using ROS 2. Through a series of structured units and hands-on projects, you will explore various aspects of sensor data processing and perception techniques.

What you will learn

ROS 2, Perception, Image Processing, OpenCV, Point Cloud Porcessing, Yolo, Advanced Perception Techniques, Deep Learning

Course Overview

Course Intro

Get a glimpse of what this course on ROS 2 Perception in 5 Days is all about.

Working With Sensor Data in ROS 2

Understand the different sensor data types used in ROS 2.

Image Processing

Provide a comprehensive understanding of image processing in ROS 2, focusing on integrating OpenCV for implementing essential perception techniques.

Point Cloud Processing

Thorough grasp of point cloud processing within ROS 2, covering two main workflows: Surface and Object Detection.

Human-Robot Interaction

This unit provides a structured approach to implementing perception techniques for enhancing human-robot interaction (HRI), starting from face detection and recognition, then progressing to pose estimation and people tracking.

AI Perception Techniques

In this unit, we'll delve into advanced perception techniques in robotics, focusing on AI methods such as YOLO. We'll learn about how YOLO can be used to perform high level tasks such as: Object Detection, Pose Estimation and Instance Segmentation

Project: Intelligent Inventory Management with ROS 2

In this final unit, we will bring together all the knowledge and skills acquired throughout the course to tackle a real-world problem: Intelligent Inventory Management with ROS 2.


Jason Koubi

Jason Koubi

Jason Koubi

Robots used

deepmind_bot robot

deepmind_bot robot

Learning Path


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