Webinar: How to Teach Robotics with Easy Practice Integration Open Class
What you will learn in this Open Class
The live broadcast has ended. Please view the replay here:
About this webinar
Calling all Robotics educators, teachers, professors...! Learn how to integrate robot practice sessions into your classroom with ease. Join us for practical tips and easy-to-use resources to engage your students with hands-on robotics experiences.
You will learn how to:
- Integrate practice into theory
- Add practice with robot simulations
- Add practice with real robots
- Prepare after class (homework) practice for students
- Hands-on practice session with me (you will experience it like a student)
- Resources and next steps
- Live Q&A session
Resources/Links mentioned in the webinar:
- Linux for Robotics course: https://bit.ly/3gx6za7
- Python for Robotics course: https://bit.ly/36XldEs
- ROS installation: http://wiki.ros.org/ROS/Installation
- Virtual machine: https://youtu.be/59F6Jake_48
- Docker with ROS: https://hub.docker.com/_/ros/
- Use our public repo: Simulations repo: https://bitbucket.org/theconstructcore/workspace/projects/PS
- Let’s teach holonomic kinematics - Use this rosject: https://app.theconstruct.ai/l/60381d1f/