How to use ROS2 Topics (Crystal) Open Class

What you will learn in this Open Class
ROS2 topics is one of the most basics subjects that you have to learn to control your robots with ROS2 Crystal.
By the end of this Live Class you will understand: * How to create a ROS2 package * How to publish on a ROS2 topic from the command line * How to read from a ROS2 topic from the command line * How to create a ROS2 publisher in C++ * How to launch a ROS2 node
Robots used in this class: * For this class we are going to use the simulation of the MARA robot. MARA is the first robot in the world which is running 100% on ROS2, developed by Acutronic Robotics. You can find more information about real robot MARA here:
Full courses related to this topic: * ROS2 Basics in 5 days (C++):
This Live Class is brought to you thanks to a collaboration between The Construct and Acutronic Robotics.