Understanding dead reckoning robot navigation with ROS Open Class

What you will learn in this Open Class
Robot Navigation means: How to make robots able to move around AUTONOMOUSLY. This means by themselves (no joystick attached).
Odometry based robot navigation means how to make use only of the odometry to understand where the robot is. That is, dead reckoning navigation (For example, the type of navigation that Roomba robots use).
This Live Class is about making a robot autonomously move around by sending velocity commands to its wheels and by using odometry to figure out where in the space the robot is. That is called dead reckoning navigation.
By the end of this Live Class you will be able to:
- Understand what odometry is, how to compute it, and how to obtain it from a ROS based robot
- Understand the different types of velocities a robot uses
- Understand the axis (frames) of a robot, and how to show them in Rviz using tf
- Send commands to the wheels of a ROS based robot
- Move a ROS based robot around using Dead Reckoning (odometry + wheel commands)