How to Control 2 Arm Robots with Movelt Open Class

What you will learn in this Open Class
In this class, you will learn how to launch a simulation of two-arm robots and how to control them using MoveIt
But, why is it so important to learn this topic?
- Trending in robot manipulators is to have multiarm robots. For example, many humanoids, mobile manipulators or collaborative robots.
But, what's MoveIt! package.
- It is a ROS package that allows the easy control of robotic arms, including inverse kinematics, and sensor information for obstacle avoidance.
This ROSject has been created by Christian Chavez and Ricardo Tellez from The Construct. You can use this ROSject freely as long as you keep this notice.
- ROS Basics
- ROS Manipulation (basic knowledge)
- ROS for industrial robots (basic knowledge)
In this class, we'll learn:
- How to configure a two arms simulation
- How to launch two instances of MoveIt! so we can control each arm independently