Make Multiple Robots Collaborate to Create a Map - Part 2 Open Class

What you will learn in this Open Class
In this class, you will learn how to launch multiple robots to do robot exploration using the package RRT_Exploration from Hassan Umari with ROS (
But, why is so important to learn this topic?
As you saw before in live class #64, it's so important to apply multiple robots at the same time, and one of the most common cases are the robot exploration, coordinate several robots working simultaneously to make a common map in the same environment.
But, what's RRT_Exploration.
It is a ROS package that implements a multi-robot map exploration algorithm for mobile robots. It is based on the Rapidly-Exploring Random Tree (RRT) algorithm. It uses occupancy grids as a map representation. The package has 5 different ROS nodes: → Global RRT frontier point detector node. → Local RRT frontier point detector node. → OpenCV-based frontier detector node. → Filter node. → Assigner node.
This ROSject has been created by Christian Chavez and Ricardo Tellez from The Construct. You can use this ROSject freely as long as you keep this notice.
- ROS Basics
- ROS Navigation (basic knowledge)
- ROS Exploration (basic knowledge)
In this class, we'll learn:
- How to use RRT_Exploration package in order to do an exploration of an unknown environment with multiple robots at the same time.